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湘军是清政府赖以镇压太平天国革命的一支主要军事力量,而其水师的作用尤为突出。太平天国天京失陷后,清廷论功行赏,湘军水师之功位居榜首。本文就湘军水师的组建作一粗浅介绍。在太平天国革命前,清朝的绿营水师,无战斗力可言。金田起义爆发后,太平军出广西,进湖南,于1852年12月攻克益阳、岳州等地,获民船万只及大批军械炮位,遂组成水营。水营兵种的增设,使太平军实力大增。从此沿长江东下,水陆并进,不数月,在连续攻克汉口、武昌之后,迅即进据南京, The Hunan Army was a major military force by which the Qing government suppressed the Taiping Rebellion, and its role as a navy was particularly prominent. After the fall of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Qing court rewards, the power of the Xiangjun Navy topped the list. This article on the formation of Hunan navy division to make a superficial introduction. Before the Taiping Revolution, the Green Camp Navy in the Qing Dynasty had no combat capability at all. After the Jintian Uprising broke out, the Taiping army out of Guangxi, into Hunan, in December 1852 captured Yiyang, Yuezhou and other places, by the people’s boat and a large number of armored weapons, then formed a water camp. The addition of water battalions has greatly increased the strength of the Taipings. From then along the east of the Yangtze River, land and water go hand in hand, not months, after a continuous capture of Hankou, Wuchang, quickly into Nanjing,
孔芳是个四里八乡都闻名的漂亮姑娘。她文化程度高,读过大学;收入高,在一家大企业里当会计;再加上个头高、模样俏,上她家提亲的,真是踏破了门槛。  在晌水涧,姑娘准备订婚给哪户人家,娘家人先得去那户人家看看,这在当地被称作“看人家”。看人家那天,女方要是留在男方家吃了午饭,就表示愿意,要是没有,那肯定是没戏。  这天周末,孔芳妈妈亲自带队,去了老赵家。这老赵退休前是区里的副区长,儿子小赵在市烟草专卖局
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