通过对黄土-古土壤和泥炭剖面的高分辨率~14C年代学以及有机质的δ~(13)C值和有机碳百分含量的研究,揭示了末次冰消期百年尺度温暖-寒冷的东亚季风气候颤动事件及其反映的有意义的降水变率.它们由波令(Bolling13~12.5ka BP),老仙女木(Older Dryas 12.5~11.75ka BP),阿勒鲁德(Allerod 11.75~11.2 ka BP)和新仙女木(Younger Dryas 11.2~10 ka BP)事件构成.其地层结构表现出多种沉积相的变化,反映了气候的不稳定性.这些高频、快速的气候事件可与挪威海海面温度记录的气候事件—一对比.反映了东亚季风气候通过西风带及与其相关的气压系统与极地.高纬地区古气候的遥相关.
Based on the high-resolution ~ 14C dating of loess-paleosol and peat profiles and the δ 13 C values of organic matter and the percentage of organic carbon, the warm and cold East Asian monsoon climate over the centre- The flutter events and the meaningful precipitation variability they reflect are characterized by Bolling13 ~ 12.5ka BP, Older Dryas 12.5 ~ 11.75ka BP, Allerod11.75 ~ 11.2 ka BP, And Younger Dryas (11.2 ~ 10 ka BP) event.The stratigraphic structure shows a variety of sedimentary facies changes, reflecting the instability of climate.These high-frequency and rapid climatic events can be related to the sea surface temperature The recorded climatic events, a comparison, reflect the teleconnection of the East Asian monsoon climate over the westerly zone and its associated pressure systems with the paleoclimate in the high latitudes.