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经石峪,又称石经峪、石经谷位于泰山中路东侧龙泉峰下。自岱宗坊上行,过红门、万仙楼、斗母宫,走不远,有伸向东北方向的叉道,道口有一立石,上刻草书「经峪」二字,石高一七二厘米,字径四十七厘米。顺阶而行,可见道南石亭,上额刻有「源头活水」和「高山流水之亭」。朝东北方向望去,便是一片开阔的「暴经石」了。(图例一)经石,原为龙泉 The stone valley, also known as stone by the valley, stone by valley in Taishan Road East Longquan peak. From Dai Zongfang upstream, over the Red Gate, Wanxian Lou, Doudu Gong, not far to go, there is a stretch of the fork in the northeast direction, crossing a stone, engraved cursive “by Yu” word, stone high seven two Cm, the word diameter forty-seven centimeters. As you walk, you can see the South Shek Kip Road where there is “Fountain of Head Water” and “Pavilion of Alpine Flowing Water” engraved on the front. Looked northeast direction, it is an open “cruel stone”. (Legend 1) Stone, formerly Longquan
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