金秋时节 ,我国著名的竹荪之乡。贵州省历史文化名城———织金 ,处处洋溢着节日的喜庆气氛。首届贵州竹荪、溶洞节暨丁宝桢诞辰 1 80周年学术研讨会 ,于 9月1~ 2日在这里隆重举行来自全国各地的 5 0 0多名代表和织金县上万名机关干部、工人 ,农民群众参加了隆重的开幕仪式。
Autumn season, China’s famous town of bamboo-sun. Historical and cultural city of Guizhou Province --- Zhijin, filled with festive atmosphere everywhere. The first Guizhou Dictyophora, Caverns and Ding Baozhen 180 anniversary of the Symposium, held in September 1 to 2 here held a grand from more than 500 representatives from all over the country and Zhijin County tens of thousands of organ cadres, workers, Peasants participated in a grand opening ceremony.