
来源 :西南边疆民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kerrytony
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我国的民族政策是几代中国共产党人在解决我国民族问题长期实践中不断探索的伟大成果。它体现了国家充分尊重和保障各少数民族管理本民族内部事务权利的精神,体现了国家坚持实行各民族平等、团结和共同繁荣的原则,体现了民族因素与区域因素、政治因素与经济因素、历史因素与现实因素的统一。然而,随着改革的不断深入,民族和民族地区的不断发展,民族政策存在的问题也日益突现,一些学者开始对民族政策产生了质疑和反思。在反思民族政策的过程中,笔者认为,必须认清我国民族问题的特性,搞清楚我们国家的性质,充分认识现阶段我们的民族差别,在“多元一体”的构建中,必须坚持一体认同,允许多元存在,不断促进民族的交往、交流和交融,不断完善民族政策,使民族政策更加符合各民族人民的共同利益诉求和发展要求。 Our ethnic policy is a great achievement that the Chinese Communists have been exploring for several generations in their long-term practice of resolving the ethnic issue in our country. It reflects the state’s full respect for and protection of the rights of ethnic minorities in managing the internal affairs of their people and embodies the principle that the state insists on implementing the principles of equality, solidarity and common prosperity of all ethnic groups, embodies the ethnic and regional factors, political and economic factors, The Unity of Historical Factors and Realistic Factors. However, with the continuous deepening of reforms and the continuous development of ethnic and ethnic areas, the problems of ethnic policies have become increasingly prominent. Some scholars have begun to question and reflect on ethnic policies. In the process of rethinking the national policy, I think it is necessary to recognize the characteristics of our national problems, clarify the nature of our country and fully understand our ethnic differences at the present stage. In the construction of “pluralism and integration ”, we must adhere to one Identity and allow multiple existence, continue to promote ethnic exchanges, exchanges and blending, and constantly improve the ethnic policy so that the ethnic policy more in line with the common interests of all ethnic groups demand and development requirements.
遥望一下世界经济的降温趋势,回想一下半年来的联想发展轨迹,看一下,那股价不断下跌的0992,人们很容易想到的就是;联想进入冬季了吧? Look around at the cooling trend of