
来源 :中国女性(中文海外版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uuu_uuu
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自从调到行政部做经理助理后,田兰的工作愈发繁重,每天做报告、填表格、接电话、安排会议、接洽客户……田兰感觉自己好像在打仗。累了一天,晚上又要熬夜写策划书,直到凌晨才爬上了床,此时的田兰感到双臂软弱无力、肩部更是酸痛得难受。原本以为睡醒一觉就能有所缓解,可第二天早上起床后,她还是感到肩部隐隐作痛。到了办公室好不容易做完了经理安排的跑腿工作,田兰迫不及待地陷进柔软的椅子里想休息一下,可是这时肩痛又再度袭来。终于,田兰忍无可忍地去医院做了检查,经医生诊断,年纪轻轻的她患上了肩周炎—— Since he was transferred to the administrative department as manager assistant, Tian Lan’s work has become more and more heavy. Daily reports, filling out forms, answering calls, arranging meetings and approaching customers ... Tian Lan felt like he was fighting. Tired day, but also stay up late at night to write a plan, until the early morning climbed the bed, this time Tian Lan feel weak arms, shoulders is sore uncomfortable. Originally thought to wake up can be eased, the next morning after getting up, she still felt a sore shoulder. To the office finally finished the errands arranged by the manager work, Tian Lan can not wait to fall into a soft chair to rest, but then the shoulder pain hit again. Finally, Tian Lan intolerable to the hospital to do a check, diagnosed by a doctor, she was suffering from frozen shoulder -
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介绍了“末制导雷达通用检测设备”测控软件系统的组成 ,以及提高软件系统灵活性和测量精度的方法 ;同时还在虚拟仪器软件设计技术及虚拟面板操作设计规则方面作了一些探讨 ,
本文简要地讨论了机间通信的控制策略,提出了一个基于全双工工作方式的分布系统中机间通信的实时同步算法,分析和模拟了算法的响应时间。机间采用缓冲式通信。 This paper b