Based on the Lutinger-Kohn Hamiltonian of the (001) and (111) valence band, we discuss the energy band structure, DOS, transition matrix elements and gain characteristics of these two oriented quantum wells. Due to the anisotropy of the material structure, the (111) -oriented quantum well has a small effective weight of heavy holes in the parallel growth plane, which is best exploited by non-strain and compressive-strain lasers. The (001) -oriented quantum well has a smaller effective mass of light holes in plane but is not much smaller than the (111) quantum well. Coupled with the (001) quantum well, the valence band coupling effect makes it DOS The gain coefficient of the tensile strain (111) quantum well is higher than that of the corresponding (001) quantum well under the same carrier injection as that of the (111) quantum well. The tensile strain (111) quantum well laser still performs better than the corresponding (001) quantum well laser. The excellent performance of matched and compressively strained (111) lasers can be considered not only from small in-plane effective masses but also from weak valence band coupling effects