公牛三侠 这是NBA诞生50年来造就的最神奇的一个三角组合。这三人的名字前面都可以加上一个最字:有史以来最伟大的球员和最佳得分手“飞人”乔丹;篮球史上最多才多艺的小前锋“蝙蝠侠”皮蓬;NBA历史上行为装束最怪诞但也是最富有新意和智慧的篮板王“大虫”罗德曼。“公牛三侠”的组合堪称NBA“黄金三角”,纯度堪称99.999%。
Bulls three-man This is the NBA created 50 years to create the most amazing of a triangular combination. The three names in front of a word can be added in front of: the greatest player ever and the best scorer “trapeze” Jordan; the most versatile small forward in the history of basketball “Batman” Pippen; Weird but also the most innovative and intelligent rebounder Wang “big bug” Rodman. “Bulls triad” combination called the NBA “Golden Triangle”, purity of 99.999%.