在法国新一代的电影明星中,艾玛纽·贝阿是最引人注目的一位,她扮相迷人,演技日趋成熟,深受影迷喜爱。 贝阿的成名作是根据法国作家马塞尔·帕涅尔的名作《丘陵之水》改编的电影《甘泉玛侬》。读片耗资一亿多法朗,拍摄时间一年有余,平均每4个法国人便有一个看过此片。贝阿在影片中极为出色地饰演了一位复仇女郎,获得了1987年法国恺撒电影节最佳女配角奖。 艾玛纽·贝阿1965年8月14日出生于法国南部度假圣地圣特罗佩。父亲是法国流行歌手吉比亚,母亲是英国人戈丽娅,她是一位演员兼模特儿。 从童年时代起,贝阿就梦想成为一名
Emmanuelle Bea is one of the most prominent movie stars in France. She is the most attractive person in the world. Bea’s famous work is based on the French writer Marcel Panier’s masterpiece “Water of the Hills” adapted from the film “Oasis”. The film cost more than 100 million French francs, shooting more than a year, an average of every four French people have seen this film. Bea played a very good revenge girl in the film, won the 1987 Best Actress for the Caesar Film Festival in France. Emma Niu Bei was born on August 14, 1965 in Saint Tropez, a resort town in southern France. His father is the French pop singer Gabia, the mother is the British Goya, she is an actor and model. From childhood, Bea dreams to be one