编完这期“企业视窗”,给我的感觉是社会保险经办机构在扩大社会保险覆盖面、发展私营个体企业参保过程中,遇到了很不一般的困难。对于这些困难,很多地方都在积极探索解决的途径,并取得了不少成功的经验。 提到“困难”二字,让我一下想到许多…… 战争年代,老一辈无产阶级革命家们视困难为“纸老虎”,创造了“小米加步枪”的奇迹。50年代,人们对困难的态度有一个口号:“困难如弹簧,你软它就强”,表达了那个年代团结一心、艰苦奋斗的精神。80年代,
After finishing this issue of “Enterprise Windows”, I feel that the social insurance agencies have encountered very unusual difficulties in expanding social insurance coverage and in developing the private enterprise insurance. For these difficulties, many places are actively exploring solutions and have achieved many successful experiences. Mentioning the word “difficulty” made me think of many things ... In the war years, proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation regarded the hardship as the “paper tiger” and wonders of the miracle of “millet and rifle”. In the 1950s, people had a slogan about difficult attitudes: “Difficulties such as springs, you are soft and strong,” expressed the spirit of solidarity and hard work that era. 80’s,