美国Rogers公司用玻璃纤维增强酚醛制造RX630水泵壳体以取代金属壳体。这种复合材料壳体廉价,重量轻,防腐性能好,可以提高水泵的抽吸效率。传统的水泵壳体是用铸铝或铸铁制成的。水泵构件必须有足够的强度及尺寸稳定,经受住高温及循环热乙二醇冷却混合物产生的机械应力。 Rogers公司生产的酚醛壳体,在沸腾的乙二醇阻凝剂溶液中加速试验3000小时后原形和弯曲强度没有发生变化。
Rogers Corporation of the United States used glass fiber reinforced phenolic manufacturing RX630 pump shell to replace the metal shell. The composite shell is cheap, light weight, good corrosion resistance, can improve the pumping efficiency of the pump. The traditional pump housing is made of cast aluminum or cast iron. The pump components must be strong enough and dimensionally stable to withstand the mechanical stresses created by the high temperatures and the circulating hot glycol cooling of the mixture. The phenolic shell manufactured by Rogers Company did not change in shape and bending strength after 3000 hours accelerated test in boiling glycol anticoagulant solution.