质量一贯管理包括纵向管理和横向管理。宝钢引进的 Line-Staff(生产部门一管理部门)管理体制,为实施质量一贯制创造了条件。无缝钢管是宝钢一期工程的主要产品,且工艺设备由多国引进,因此选用质量一贯制更具现实性和必要性。通过三年的一贯管理,理顺了从坯料到钢管的工艺流程,稳定了产品质量(可按有关国际和国内标准组织生产)。目前已将该管理方式扩展到新产品试制和开发领域,并取得了较好的效果。
Consistent management of quality includes vertical management and horizontal management. The management system of Line-Staff introduced by Baosteel has created conditions for the implementation of consistent quality system. Seamless steel pipe is Baosteel’s first phase of the main products, and process equipment imported from many countries, so the selection of quality consistent system more realistic and necessary. Through three years of consistent management, streamlining the process flow from billet to steel pipe, and stabilizing the product quality (according to the relevant international and domestic standards). At present, this management mode has been extended to new product trial and development field, and has achieved good results.