慢性肾功能不全 (CRI)是各种原因引起肾脏损坏和进行性恶化的结果 ,慢性肾功能不全并发尿路感染 (简称尿感 )而使肾功能更趋恶化。因此 ,及时发现和治疗尿感能改善CRI的预后 ,延缓其进展。现将本院 1996年 1月至 2 0 0 0年 7月 5年中CRI病人 344例中并发尿感的 113例
Chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) is the result of various causes of kidney damage and progressive deterioration. Renal function worsens as chronic renal insufficiency complicates urinary tract infections (referred to as urinary tract infections). Therefore, the timely detection and treatment of urinary incontinence can improve the prognosis of CRI and delay its progress. Now in our hospital from January 1996 to July 2000 5 years CRI patients 344 cases of urinary tract infection in 113 cases