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  Hebei Tongchan Import and Export Co., Ltd was established in 2004, a SME with thirty employees and an office at Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province. As one of the key import and export companies in Hebei province, we have been awarded as trustworthy enterprise by the Hebei Administration for Industry and Commerce. An “A” enterprise for custom and tax refund.
  We have been involving in hardare, supply, plastic mesh,stailess steel mesh , machinery parts, chemical, apparel, household, environment protection products and other businesses for many years. Our main business streams are from North America, Europe, South East Asia and Africa. Our annual sales is around 30 million dollars
  Our team with rich experience can provide one-stop service for import and export business, through market research, production supervision, and logistic management to risk control. We aim at to be a professional, honest and focus company in the foreign trade business world.
  Product introduction:
  1.Plastic Tree Protective netting is made of polyethylene(PP) to protect the bird for your fruit trees, while used on the top of the tree, it will prevent the birds to eat your harvest fruit. The plastic net will not hurt or catch the bird and the small animal, furthermore , it is cheaper and easy to install, and will not pollution of the environment. The tree plastic mesh is not same with normal anti bird net , it is more widther and more strong to fit the tree.
  2. Fiberglass mosquito screen insect screen (also named Fiberglass Window Screen) is woven from PVC coated single fiber. Fiberglass insect screening is an ideal material in industrial and agricultural buildings to keep away fly, mosquito and small insects or for the purpose of ventilation.Fiberglass insect screen offers excellent properties of fire resistance, corrosion resistance, heat resistance, easy cleaning, good ventilation, high strength, stable structure, etc.
  3. The pond plastic mesh boasts UV-inhibitors to prevent breakdown from the sun. When leaves catch on the pond netting, simply lift one side and flip debris off. The pond netting is made of stretched polypropylene (PP) net, which is installed on the pools, pond, water gardens and so on place to prevent leaf, bird, smaill animals to fall in. The plastic mesh is virtually invisible against water to retain your pond's beatty.
  4. Stailess Steel mesh Basket/frying basket/fruit basket at low temperatures and high temperature in a dehydrator in food industry.   Stailess Steel mesh Basket/frying basket/fruit basket is also used as BBQ mesh
  Stailess Steel mesh Basket is also used as sterilizing basket
  5. Plant support netting also named trellis netting is a solid polypropylene mesh with UV stabilizers and anti-oxidants added. It is clean, sturdy and no damage to plants. The plastic squre mesh are available in a variety of widths and lengths and manufactured from high strength, yet lightweight polypropylene plastic mesh netting. Plant trellis netting provide a sturdy support for climbing fruits and vegetables. This trellis netting provide climbing plants a place to grow, producing healthier plants, improved yields and more of your valuable garden space. The UV-protected plastic meshis durable enough to reuse season after season.
  6. Plastic orange safety mesh /Barrier fencing has been developed for warning and signaling of obstacles, road work, building sites, use for crowd control, notification of hazards, temporary barricades for event management etc.
  The safety fence is more rigid to stand which will help you to save some fence stakes. As a quick and easy way for temporary fence, it is widely used  in construction site, bridge building, sewer holes. Also can be used as black off property line, garden fence, crowd control, boundary fence.
孙子清——当代最具收藏潜力的大家  孙子清,国家一级美术师,潘天寿,李可染第三代传人!原名孙存现,共产党员,生于1966年,山东省鄄城县人。孙膑后人,实力派画家,共产党员。1982年先后拜师:花鸟类著名画家、装裱家、收藏家、工艺美术大师冯增木先生;山水类著名画家潘天寿、李可染的学生苏增安先生。又多次求教著名画家张彦青、刘鲁生先生,具有很深的造诣。2014年,在石家庄举办的中国当代书画500强比赛中
Hebei Textiles established in 1974, located in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province.  “solidarity, diligence, practicality and dedication” has always been our enterprise spirit since its establishment.  
十里杏花香,百里聚风光。3月23日,“2019邢台生态旅游暨第三届巨鹿五彩杏花节”开幕仪式在巨鹿县元泽路杏花园举办。  开幕式现场,众多游客和摄影爱好者漫步杏林花海,或驻足赏花,或拍照留念。10余名学生及家长身着汉服,现场学习表演手织汉锦工艺。身着五彩戏装的女童,犹如“杏花仙子”,在杏花林中翩翩起舞,动作统一和谐,圆柔连贯。杏林中设置特色物产展区、绿色美食街、林下动态景观区、花下品茶区等不同主题的
2018年以来,王母社区在大鹏党工委、办事处的正确领导和大力支持下,团结带领社区广大党员干部和居民群众,深入学习贯彻党的十九大和习近平在广东视察时重要讲话精神,充分发挥党委的核心领导作用,圆满完成各项工作任务,在社区党委向大鹏党工委汇报测评中得到卓越的评价 ,先后通过了深圳市“消防安全社区”、大鹏新区“火灾高风险区域整治” 验收,获得了“深圳市文明单位”、“大鹏新区先进计生单位”、“大鹏办事处社区
在绿化服务这个领域,一提到锄禾,自然会想到杨作运;锄禾草业从90年代开始,从一个小门市,通过一点点积累创造,成为今天大家面前的中国草业绿化服务领域的领军企业;全是因为杨总这20多年的运筹帷幄;才能掌舵鋤禾这艘小舟,不断拓展扩张升级服务,经风雨历坎坷,在中国草业打下一片波澜壮阔的天地;使得锄禾草业这个品牌成为名噪黄河两岸影响全国30多个省份的知名企业;  锄禾集团董事长杨作运讲:天道酬勤,商道酬信;