20 世纪 80 年代中期以来, 伴随工业化、 城市化的发展, 城乡差距不断扩大, 进城务工人员形成了一个新的群体, 农民工问题的出现导致 “留守儿童” 问题的产生。①本研究旨在探索适合农村留守儿童的抗逆力培养方式, 提升儿童的自我效能, 增强问题解决及应对困境的能力。
Since the mid-1980s, with the development of industrialization and urbanization, the gap between urban and rural areas has been constantly expanding. Migrant workers have formed a new group. The emergence of migrant workers has resulted in the problem of “left-behind children.” ① The purpose of this study is to explore ways to train children left behind in rural areas to build their resilience, enhance children’s self-efficacy and enhance their ability to solve problems and cope with dilemmas.