Objective To establish a model of minimal nephrotic syndrome in rats and to understand whether low molecular dextran combined with furosemide affect the glomerular basement membrane anion sites in nephrotic syndrome in edema state. Methods Continuous intravenous infusion method. Specimens were observed by transmission electron microscopy, polyethyleneimine staining was used to compare the anionic sites of glomerulus basement membrane in normal group, model group, saline group (saline + furosemide) and right sugar group (low molecular dextran + furosemide) Variety. Results In the normal group, the distribution of anion sites in glomerular basement membrane was regular, with the same spacing and larger number of particles, with no deletion in number. The anion sites in other groups were distributed irregularly with different spacing and particle size. The number of anions in the model group, saline group, right sugar group, glomerular basement membrane and out of the loose layer were significantly different from each other in all three groups (P <0.01) There was no significant difference between right sugar group and normal group (P> 0.05). Conclusion Low molecular dextran accelerated urine application in edematous nephrotic syndrome, with the promotion of glomerular basement membrane anion site rapid recovery role.