
来源 :西南古籍研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinlh
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中国民族史史料学是中国民族史发展的基础和前提。中国民族史史料学的主要内容是,以研究中国各民族历代史料为对象,序列文献,综述目录,考镜源流,辨章学术。中国民族史史料学应该担负两个任务,一是阐述中国民族史史料的方法论,一是为学习和研究中国民族史提供读书门径和治学方法。建设中国民族史史料学,应该重视中国民族史史料学的理论研究,注意搜集整理少数民族文字的史料,注意口述历史资料的搜集与整理,培养具有高素质的史料学研究和教学人才。 The historical materialism of Chinese national history is the foundation and premise of the development of Chinese national history. The main content of the historical materialism of Chinese national history is to study the historical materials of various nationalities in China, serial documents, review directory, the source of exams, the interpretation of chapters. The historical materialism of Chinese national history should bear two tasks. One is to elaborate on the methodology of historical materials of Chinese national history. The other is to provide a reading route and a method of studying for the study and study of Chinese national history. The construction of historical material science of Chinese national history should pay attention to the theoretical research of the historical material science of Chinese national history, pay attention to collecting and arranging the historical materials of minority languages, pay attention to the collection and arrangement of oral history data, and cultivate highly qualified historical research and teaching talents.
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越瓜,又称稍瓜,是薄皮甜瓜的一个变种,主要用于生食和腌渍。起源于中国,日本约从四世纪开始引入。 The more melon, also known as a little melon, is a variant of the mu
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也许我们的研究成果会为预防年轻运动员的突发性死亡带来启示,也可能为心脏病、糖尿病、高血压、肥胖症的患者来带裨益——莱斯利·莱恩沃恩德 Perhaps our findings will i
很多人认为自己发胖的原因主要是在外吃得多、吃得油、吃得不健康,一到聚会就管不住嘴……如果因此就断定这是自己长胖的所有原因,那就错了。也许,家里才是你长脂肪的主要地方。    ◎零食堆在手边  饿的时候往往饥不择食,如果零食就摆在你的电脑桌或茶几上,伸手可及,就会不知不觉吃进更多的热量。相反,将高热量低营养的食品藏到柜子里,把健康的麦片、水果等摆在面前,那么健康食品的摄入量会增加1倍。    ◎吃饭