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张高丽在山东省九届人大五次会议上的《政府工作报告》中提出,要坚持用市场经济的手段抓经济工作,高度重视解决好观念更新、机制转换、结构调整等影响全局的关键问题。观念、机制、结构,简单的六个字,点出了制约山东经济发展的关键。特别是把观念作为第一位的问题提出,充分显示了决策层的远见卓识。观念决定机制,机制决定结构。在山东,解放思想、更新观念、与时俱进,决不是虚无缥缈的政治口号,而是具有十分强烈的现实意义和经济意义。从制度经济学的角度看,所谓解放思想、更新观念就是对文化等非正式制度的改造。制度经济学认为,影响地区经济发展的主要因素不是资本和技术等纯粹的经济变量,而是制度——既包括法律、规则等正式制度,也包括文化、观念等非正式制度。所以,机械地照搬西方经济学,仅仅把劳动、资本、技术作为经济发展的内生变量,解释不了区域经济发展中的许多问题,从制度经济学、从文化和观念的角度入手,就有一种豁然开朗的感觉。在不同的国家和地区、在不同的时期,影响经济发展的变量是不同的。在目前的山东,文化、观念的重要性要远远超过劳动、资本、技术。若把市场经济比作现代化的豪华游轮的话,文化则是手中的一张船票,旧船票是很难顺利登上新客船的。山东的主体文化儒家文化与市场经济 In his Report on the Work of the Government on the Fifth Plenary Session of the Ninth National People’s Congress of Shandong Province, Zhang Gaoli pointed out: We must persist in using economic instruments in the market economy and attach great importance to resolving the key issues affecting the overall situation such as concept renewal, mechanism transformation and structural adjustment . Concept, mechanism, structure, simple six words, points out the key to the development of Shandong’s economy. In particular, putting the concept as a top priority fully demonstrates the foresight of policy makers. Concept decision mechanism, mechanism determines the structure. In Shandong, emancipating the mind, updating concepts and advancing with the times are by no means vain political slogans, but have very strong practical and economic significance. From the perspective of institutional economics, the so-called emancipation of the mind, the concept of renewal is the transformation of the informal system of culture. According to institutional economics, the main factor that affects regional economic development is not purely economic variables such as capital and technology but systems - including formal systems such as laws and rules as well as informal systems such as culture and concept. Therefore, mechanically copying western economics and simply using labor, capital and technology as endogenous variables of economic development can not explain many problems in the development of regional economy. From the perspective of institutional economics and from the viewpoint of culture and concept, there is a Suddenly feeling cheerful. In different countries and regions, at different times, the variables that affect economic development are different. In present Shandong, the importance of culture and ideas far exceeds that of labor, capital and technology. If we compared the market economy to the modern luxury cruise ship, then culture is a ticket in the hands of the old ones and it will be very difficult for the old ones to successfully board new passenger ships. Shandong ’s Main Culture, Confucianism Culture and Market Economy
丰收的喜悦 2001年9月19日上午,阳光明媚,金秋飘香。 这天,中科院海洋研究所科学家俱乐部格外亮丽而庄重,曾呈奎院士荣获美国藻类学会“杰出贡献奖”庆祝大会的红幅会标特别
目的 :探讨青年人胃癌的临床、病理特点。方法 :收集 1995年 1月至 2 0 0 1年 12月 7年间经胃镜 (或手术 )病理确诊的胃癌病例 ,并就发现的 5 8例青年人胃癌发病情况及相关资
目的 分析金双歧对宫颈癌放射性直肠反应的临床疗效。方法 从 1999年 4月~ 2 0 0 2年 5月对 2 2例宫颈癌放射性直肠反应患者采用金双歧治疗 ,0 .4 /次 ,每日 2次 ,观察临床
胡萝卜:富含维生素A(缺乏者癌发病率为正常人的2倍多)。番茄则富含氧化物番茄红素,对于抑抗乳腺癌、胃癌、消化道癌、前列腺癌有益。 Carrot: rich in vitamin A (lack of
作为美国学者在山东邹平考察活动的领导和中坚,从1988年5月到1999年11月,奥克森伯格(Michel Oksenberg)先生曾6次到邹平考察,与邹平结下了深厚的友谊。 与邹平结缘 1988年5
通过对人的心理行为活动的分析 ,并结合高校运动训练的特点 ,运用激励理论 ,确定训练角色、制定训练目标 ,以增强运动训练的凝聚力 .同时通过根据激励理论制定的方法进行训练