刚参加完毕业典礼,我就直奔天津火车站,想让火车载着我奔向那个美丽而又有异域风情的边陲之城——伊犁。 赶到火车站,已是华灯初上,不时吹来丝丝凉爽的微风。望着灯火辉煌的解放桥上车来车往,我不由得想起了伊犁城夜里不眠的汉人街。4年了,生活在天津这块土地上,我没有一刻不在思念那个美丽的西域边城!那里有我的战友、亲
Just finished the graduation ceremony, I went straight to Tianjin Railway Station, I want the train carrying me toward that beautiful and exotic border town - Ili. Rushed to the train station, it is the beginning of the Chinese lantern, blowing the slightest cool breeze from time to time. Looking at the brilliant light of the liberation of the bridge to get on the bus, I can not help but think of the night in Yili City Han sleepless street. 4 years, living in this land of Tianjin, I am not a moment not miss that beautiful western border town where my comrades, pro