【摘 要】
Western pop culture has been a glob-al phenomenon ever since the1960s. But while posters of theBeatles dominated the bedroomwalls of European and Americanteenagers then, they were barely heard of inCh
Western pop culture has been a glob-al phenomenon ever since the1960s. But while posters of theBeatles dominated the bedroomwalls of European and Americanteenagers then, they were barely heard of inChina.
Science and technology are theprimers of productivity. This wide-ly cited slogan often attributed toDeng Xiaoping is the key to thesurvival of many private cimpa-nies in Fujian Province.
Michelle Schneider, a 21 yea-oldGerman Christian who worksin China, didn’t expect to findso many cburches open to thcpublic inBeijing.
China has been a unified multiethnic country since ancienttimes. Historical records show that as far back as 221 B.C.,the State of Qin established the first centralized feudalmonarchy in the country,
Li Xiao, 18, is a Beijing girl from amiddle-class family in her last year atmiddle school.
Top Chinese and U.S. economic officials may justi-fiably take some pride in their recently concludedstrategic dialogue. Despite the fact that only a fewminor agreements were reached, they took a furth
For Chinese lovers of Harry Potter, July 21 will be a day forthem to rejoice with fans around the world as the seventhand final in the series of adventures rolls off the presses.
One hundred and fifty-six years ago,a young Chinese man named RongHong entered Yale University cam-pus.
Since 2004, foreign M&As of Chinesebusinesses have really taken off anddirectly targeted flagship enterprisesin relevant industries.
Four years ago 9-year-old BianJinyang, like many Chinese children,finished reading his first Harry Potterbook.
U.S.-Russia relations have reportedlyhit a downward spiral since thebeginning of this year.