The working principle of four-quadrant detector and the various internal and external factors that affect the accuracy of the four-quadrant detection system are introduced. The influence of the dead zone of four-quadrant detector on the detection sensitivity in the detection range is analyzed in detail. In the detection range, the received optical power of each Gaussian spot in each quadrant is calculated, and the relationship between the normalized target spot offset x and the spot center coordinate X is simulated by using Matlab software. The optical path of the four-quadrant detection system is designed And the circuit, when the dead zone width D = 0.1mm, adjust the spot radius R size were 0.6mm and 0.4mm under the measurement. Theoretical and experimental results show that the larger the ratio of the width of the dead zone to the spot radius, the steeper the variation of the spot offset with the center of the spot, the higher the sensitivity of the detector.