为了加强铁路货车管理,提高全路 的经济效益,配合车号自动识别系统的使用,铁道部决定于2002年5月23日上午9时对全路货车进行清查。 为此,铁道部成立了全路货车清查领导小组,由孙永福副部长任组长,常国治总调度长、王麟书总工程师任副组长。3月22日,王兆成副部长在全路货车清查工作电视电话会议上,对这次货车的清查工作进行了动员,进一步部署了全路货车清查工作,要求全路立即行动起来,集中力量,搞好预案,抓好培训,协同作战,确保这次货车清查工作的顺利进行。
In order to strengthen the management of railway wagons and improve the economic benefits of the entire road, in coordination with the use of the automatic number recognition system, the Ministry of Railways decided to carry out inventory of all wagons at 9:00 am on May 23, 2002. To this end, the Ministry of Railways has set up a leading group for the entire truck inventory check headed by Vice Minister Sun Yongfu, chief regulator Chang Guozhi and chief engineer Wang Lin. On March 22, Vice Minister Wang Zhaocheng mobilized the inventory inspection of the truck at the video-teleconference of the truck inventory work on the entire road to further deploy inventory inspection of the entire truck and required the entire road to act immediately to concentrate and engage Good plan, do a good job training, collaborative operations, to ensure the smooth progress of the truck inventory.