为了全面掌握省直机关学习宣传贯彻《档案法》的基本情况,促进省直机关档案工作,为省级机构改革作准备,1994年,省档案局把加强省直机关档案工作作为机关档案工作的重点。 5月初,省档案局发出了《关于开展省直机关档案工作检查评比的通知》,对检查评比的范围、内容、方法和时间安排都作了具体要求。 5月下旬,省档案局召开省直机关分管档案工作的负责人和档案干部大会,布置档案工作任务,并就开展档案工作检查评比活动进行动员。会上,省政
In order to fully grasp the provincial organs directly under the “Archives Law” to promote the basic situation, to promote the archives of the provincial authorities, to prepare for the reform of the provincial-level agencies, in 1994, the provincial archives to strengthen the provincial organs archives as the work of archives Focus. In early May, the Provincial Bureau of Archives issued the Circular on Carrying Out the Inspection and Appraisal of Archives Work of Provincial Direct Organizations, and made specific requirements on the scope, content, methods and timing of inspection and appraisal. In late May, the Provincial Archives Bureau held the provincial organ in charge of archival work in charge of cadres and file cadres General Assembly, archives job tasks, and to carry out inspection work archives activities to mobilize. At the meeting, the provincial government