在寻找防治哮喘药物过程中,发现中药香袋具有较好的平喘作用。现将对中药香袋挥发油进行药理及毒性试验的初步结果报道如下。平喘试验一、豚鼠离体气管试验方法:毛细管法。取体重为350~500g的健康豚鼠,雌雄均有。处死后取其完整气管连接在毛细管上,放入盛有Krebs-Henseleit溶液的麦氏浴槽中,温度保持在36±1℃,浴槽容量为25ml,加入药液0.25ml,观察给药后毛细管液柱面的移动,以反映气管平滑肌的收缩或扩张。 1.药物对豚鼠离体气管抗组胺的预防作用使毛细管液柱面稳定20分钟。加入0.2%组胺0.1ml,5分钟后,记录气管收缩引起毛细管液柱面向前移动的毫米数。经换液,液柱面恢复至基点。再加入不同剂量的试验药物,作用10分钟,加入同前剂量的组胺,记录毛细管液柱面变化的毫米数,计算药物抑制组胺引起气管收缩的百分率。
In the process of seeking drugs for asthma prevention, it was found that Chinese medicine sachets have a good antiasthmatic effect. The preliminary results of the pharmacological and toxicological tests on the volatile oil of Chinese medicine sachets are reported below. Asthma test I. Guinea Pigs Ex vivo Tracheal Test Method: Capillary method. Healthy guinea pigs with a body weight of 350-500 g were used both male and female. After the death, the complete trachea was connected to the capillary tube and placed in a Maxwell bath containing Krebs-Henseleit solution. The temperature was maintained at 36±1°C. The bath capacity was 25 ml. 0.25 ml of the drug solution was added to observe the capillary solution after administration. The movement of the cylinder to reflect the contraction or expansion of tracheal smooth muscle. 1. The preventive effect of the drug on isolated trachea antihistamines in guinea pigs stabilized the capillary column for 20 minutes. 0.2 ml of histamine 0.1 ml was added, and after 5 minutes, the number of millimeters of capillary tube liquid column forward movement caused by tracheal contraction was recorded. After changing the liquid, the cylinder surface returned to the base point. Then add different doses of the test drug for 10 minutes, add the same dose of histamine, record the number of millimeters of capillary changes in the liquid, and calculate the percentage of the drug that inhibits histamine-induced tracheal contraction.