The compound (C_5H_7S_2)_3[Mo_3 (μ_3--S)_2 (μ_2--Cl)_3 Cl_6] forms dark black octahedralcrystals with the following crystallographic parameters: a=22.885(10)A, c=25.407(7)A. Thespace group is I4_1/α, Z=16, ρ_(obs.)=2.073g/cm~3, ρ_(calc.)=2.126g/cm~3. The 1621 independentreflections with I≥3σ were collected on a CAD-4 four-circle diffractometer by means of MoK_αradiation. The structure was solved by three-dimensional Patterson synthesis and refined byleast squares technique to a final discrepancy factor of R=0.056. The results of our investiga-tion reveal that the molecule consists of a trinuclear Mo cluster anion and three planar mono-cations.surrounding the cluster anion. As the core of the anion the triad of Mo atoms, possessing anequilateral triangular configuration, is linked by two μ3--S bridging atoms and three μ2--Clatoms. Besides, two terminal Cl atoms are attached to each Mo atom to form an octahedralconfiguration. The diamagnetism and the short Mo-Mo distances (2.556 A, 2.641 A, 2.653 A)clearly indicate the existence of Mo-Mo bonds. The anion as a whole has an idealized D_(3h) localsymmetry.
The compound (C_5H_7S_2) _3 [Mo_3 (μ_3 - S) _2 (μ_2 - Cl) _3 Cl_6] forms dark black octahedral crystals with the following crystallographic parameters: a = 22.885 (10) A, c = 25.407 (7) Thespace group is I4_1 / α, Z = 16, ρ_ (obs.) = 2.073g / cm~3, ρ_calc. = 2.126g / cm~3. The 1621 independent reflections with I≥3σ were collected on a CAD- 4 four-circle diffractometer by means of MoK_αradiation. The structure was solved by three-dimensional Patterson synthesis and refined by square squares technique to a final discrepancy factor of R = 0.056. The results of our investiga- tion reveal that the molecule consists of a trinuclear As the core of the anion the triad of Mo atoms, possessing anequilateral triangular configuration, is linked by two μ3 - S bridging atoms and three μ2 - Clatoms. , two terminal Cl atoms are attached to each Mo atom to form an octahedral configuration. The diamagnetism and the short Mo-Mo distances (2.5 56 A, 2.641 A, 2.653 A) clearly indicates the existence of Mo-Mo bonds. The anion as a whole has an idealized D_ (3h) localsymmetry.