Temperature Dependence of the Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy in Nd_2Co_(14)B Compound

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Easy and hard magnetization curves of Nd_2Co_(14)B compound have been measured withextracting-sample-magnetometer(μ_0H_(max)=6T)at 10~300 K.Magnetic anisotropy constants K_1 and K_2have been determined by fitting the hard magnetization curves,in which only K_1 ,K_2 and misalignment anglehave been taken as fitting parameters.The values of K_1 and K_2 at 4.2 K were derived by extrapolation.Anisotropy coefficients,x_2~° and x_4~°were derived from the anisotropy constants.The anisotropy constant K_2increases rapidly with increasing temperature when TT_(sr).The temperature depen-dence of the magnetic anisotropy coefficient x_2~° was fitted with the formula.The anisotropy coefficients x_2~°can be well described by the tenth-power law from 4.2 K to T_(sr)and by the sixth-power law from T_(sr_ to 300 K. Easy and hard magnetization curves of Nd_2Co_ (14) B compound have been measured withextracting-sample-magnetometer (μ_0H_ (max) = 6T) at 10 ~ 300 K. Magnetic anisotropy constants K_1 and K_2have been determined by fitting the hard magnetization curves, in which only K_1, K_2 and misalignment angleshave been taken as fitting parameters.The values ​​of K_1 and K_2 at 4.2 K were derived by extrapolation. An anisotropy coefficients, x_2 ~ ° and x_4 ~ ° were derived from the anisotropy constants. The anisotropy constant K_2increases rapidly with increasing temperature when T T sr. The temperature dependency of the magnetic anisotropy coefficient x_2 ~ ° was fitted with the formula. The anisotropy coefficients x_2 ~ ° can be described by the tenth-power law from 4.2 K to T_ (sr) and by the sixth-power law from T_ (sr_ to 300 K.
由我校微观分析中心完成的“工业零部件激光处理及组织机理研究”(吉林省青年科学基金项目),1991年12月10日通过了同行专家的鉴定。 课题组从机理和应用两个方面开展了研究
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