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为了探讨温度对三叶草彩斑蚜种群增长的影响,在实验室研究了15~35℃范围内共9个温度下三叶草彩斑蚜的发育、繁殖和生命表.结果表明:三叶草彩斑蚜种群在35℃下不能存活.若虫的发育历期随着温度的上升而显著缩短,在15~32℃内为18.33~4.02d,存活率在40.0%~83.6%,25℃下若虫的存活率最高、32℃下存活率最低.成蚜的平均寿命在10.64~20.87d,23℃下寿命最长、32℃下最短.产蚜高峰期随温度的上升而提前,除15℃为15d以外,其余温度下均在3~6d.平均繁殖力和单头最高繁殖力以25℃下最高,分别为82.0和149.0头.平均世代周期随着温度的上升从15℃的31.17d逐渐缩短到32℃的10.17d.净增殖率在25℃下最大(68.62),32℃下最小(13.96).内禀增长率在0.10~0.30d-1,其中28℃下最高、15℃下最低.若虫的发育起点温度和有效积温分别为9.35℃和97.83d.℃.繁殖力、净增殖率和内禀增长率与温度的关系均可用一元二次方程描述. In order to investigate the effect of temperature on the population growth of C. trifoliatus, the development, reproduction and life table of C. trifoliata were studied in the laboratory at nine temperatures ranging from 15 to 35 ℃ .The results showed that: 35 ℃ could not survive.The nymph’s developmental duration was significantly shortened with the increase of temperature, which was 18.33 ~ 4.02d at 15 ~ 32 ℃, the survival rate was 40.0% ~ 83.6%, the survival rate of nymph at 25 ℃ was the highest, The lowest survival rate at 32 ℃ .The average life span of adult aphids was 10.64-20.87d, the longest life span was at 23 ℃, and the shortest was at 32 ℃ .The peak of aphids was advanced with the increase of temperature at 15 ℃, Under the average of 3 ~ 6d.The mean fecundity and single-head maximum fecundity were the highest at 25 ℃, 82.0 and 149.0, respectively.Average generations increased with increasing temperature from 31.17d at 15 ℃ to 10.17 at 32 ℃ d.The net growth rate was the highest (68.62) at 25 ℃ and the lowest (13.96) at 32 ℃ .The intrinsic rate of increase was 0.10-0.30d-1, which was the highest at 28 ℃ and the lowest at 15 ℃ .The growth rate of nymphs And the effective accumulated temperature were 9.35 ℃ and 97.83d ℃ respectively. The correlation between fertility, net growth rate and intrinsic rate of increase and temperature It can be described by a quadratic equation.
亲爱的读友,2009年第5期和第6期,是备战考场写作的两期专号,第5期将根据 Dear reader, No. 5 and No. 6 in 2009, is a special issue of the examination room for writing
五倍子是东南亚特产,主产于我国,是我国重要资源昆虫产物之一。我国所产五倍子不仅产量超过任何国家,且质量尤优,除供国内应用外,向为一项重要出口物资。 五倍子为山林的副