A Buffer Scheduling Method Based on Message Priority in Delay Tolerant Networks

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yj700702
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Routing protocols in delay tolerant networks usually utilize multiple message copies to guarantee the message delivery, in order to overcome unpredictable node mobility and easily-interrupted connections. A store-carry-and-forward paradigm was also proposed to further improve the message delivery. However, excessive message copies lead to the shortage of buffer and bandwidth. The spray and wait routing protocol has been proposed to reduce the network overload caused by the buffer and transmission of unrestricted message copies. However, when a node’s buffer is quite constrained, there still exist congestion problems. In this paper, we propose a message scheduling and drop strategy on spray and wait routing protocol (SDSRP). To improve the delivery ratio, first of all, SDSRP calculates the priority of each message by evaluating the impact of both replicating and dropping a message copy on delivery ratio. Subsequently, scheduling and drop decisions are made according to the priority. In order to further increase delivery ratio, we propose an improved message scheduling and drop strategy on spray and wait routing protocol (ISDSRP) through enhancing the accuracy of estimating parameters. Finally, we conduct extensive simulations based on synthetic and real traces in ONE. The results show that compared with other buffer management strategies, ISDSRP and SDSRP achieve higher delivery ratio, similar average hopcounts, and lower overhead ratio.
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本文分析总结了60例经腹超声与彩色多普勒血流显像诊断,并经手术病理证实的子宫内膜异位症的情况报告如下.rn1 资料与方法