Laos: The Country of Honor for the 2nd Time Will Display Different Charm at the 17th CAEXPO

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  Laos as the only landlocked country on Indo-China Peninsula, and a friendly neighbor bordered by China on the north, always boasts its unique and mysterious charm. At present, exchanges and cooperation between Laos and China have been continuously strengthened, and Laos as a member of ASEAN has played an increasingly important role in the world. After its debut as the Country of Honor of the CAEXPO for the first time in 2009, Laos was designated as the Country of Honor for the second time at the 17th CAEXPO to be held in September 2020. So, what changes have taken place in this mysterious country? And what kind of highlights will it show after 11 years?
  Bilateral trade between Laos and China is booming
  There are countless examples of Lao enterprises that have successfully entered the Chinese market through CAEXPO.
  “In the past, Beerlao heavily relied on the border trade to enter China from Yunnan Province, and its volume of sales was very small. I have never thought that Beerlao, once an unsought good in China, may become a hit one day in China,” said Vonlatanawon Keasong, a Lao businessman who has been engaged in overseas marketing for many years. Beerlao was once rated as the best beer in Asia by Time in the U.S., but it did not sell well due to a lack of suitable distribution channels. It wasn’t until 2012 that Beerlao was introduced to the Chinese market via the CAEXPO. Since then, Beerlao has been snapped up by various merchants from the CAEXPO as well as other provinces.
  Since its inception in 2004, CAEXPO, which tailor-made for the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA), has been innovated to set up five functional areas, including commodity trade, investment cooperation, service trade, advanced technology and the “City of Charm”. In the field of trade, there is even an exhibition area of ASEAN commodity to highlight the leading products of ASEAN countries that are popular in the Chinese market.
  By virtue of the exhibition area, more and more high-quality commodities with Lao characteristics enter the Chinese market and are favored and sought after by Chinese consumers, with the turnover increasing year by year. It is reported that in the previous 16 sessions of CAEXPO, Laos used more than 1,500 booths to display and promote wood furniture and wood products, jewelry, handicrafts, food and beverages, rice, coffee and other special commodities (services). At the same time, data showed that in the first 11 months of 2019, bilateral trade between China and Laos exceeded US$ 3.54 billion, up 17.4% year on year, ranking the third among ASEAN countries. China has become the largest export market and second-largest trading partner of Laos.   Investment cooperation is deepened
  The Nam Ngiep 2 Hydropower Station in Xieng Khuang Province, Laos, is a hydropower project operated and implemented by China Water Conservancy and Electric Power Foreign Corporation. It is worth mentioning that this project is a China-Laos cooperation project signed at the CAEXPO. Since it was completed and put into operation in 2015, the power generated by the hydropower station has not only tackled power shortages, but also increased the employment rate, providing a lot of opportunities for the residents around the project to get out of poverty and become rich.
  With the expansive influence of the CAEXPO, Laos has also actively promoted a series of investment promotion activities, opening the door for China-Laos cooperation and even global cooperation.
  For example, Laos Agri-Industrial Development and Import & Export Services Company signed a US$ 1.8 billion cooperation agreement with China’s Wuhan Kaidi Holdings Investment Co., Ltd. The Electricite du Laos (EDL) signed the investment project of NamLik 1-2 Hydropower Station in Laos with China Water Conservancy and Electric Power Foreign Corporation. And Lao Overseas Chinese Qinkeyuan and Guangxi Beiliu Tongjia Ceramics Co., Ltd. signed the Laos-Tongjia high-grade porcelain project.
  “Every year, the special promotion meeting was organized to promote tourism and services of Laos, and introduce the achievements made by Chinese enterprises in Laos. CAEXPO, an effective platform, has brought more opportunities for Lao enterprises to communicate with enterprises from other countries and establish good cooperative relations,” said the then Deputy Secretary-General of the Department of Production and Trade Promotion of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Laos.
  Data showed that in the first 11 months of 2019, new Chinese contracts for project contracting in Laos reached US$ 1.88 billion, up 25.9% year on year. Laos ranked second in China’s ranking of the growth rate of new construction contracts by 10 ASEAN countries, up 133%. China has become the largest source of investment for Laos.
  People-to-people exchange is dynamic
  Depending on series of exhibitions and promotion activities at the CAEXPO, Laos has displayed its well-preserved natural scenery, unique cultural and historical tourist attractions, abundant tourism resources, as well as opening and innovative folkway, attracting considerable attention.
  It is reported that Vientiane, Luang Prabang, Savannakhet, Khammouan, Champasak, Bokeo, Oudomxay, Attapu, Azopol, Xayabury of Laos have already shown their unique charm in the previous 16 sessions of CAEXPO, and promoted cross-regional cooperation and people-to-people exchange between China and Laos. In 2019, more than one million Chinese tourists visited Laos, an increase of 200,000 over 2018.   More new highlights anticipated
  In April 2019, the leaders of China and Laos inked the Action Plan to Jointly Build A Community of Shared Future, calling for a new era of China-Laos relations. In this historical period, it is highly anticipated that Laos will once again serve as the Country of Honor of the 17th CAEXPO in September 2020.
  In December of 2019, Secretary-General of the CAEXPO Secretariat Wang Lei led a delegation to visit Laos, respectively held talks with Lao Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Lao Ministry of Finance, Lao Ministry of Planning and Investment, Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Chinese General Chamber of Commerce in Laos. The parties indicated that they will continue to actively hold a series of activities under the mechanism of the Country of Honor, showcased the business opportunities and charm of Laos and further strengthen cooperation with China.
  “The CAEXPO has been always innovative and increasingly well-organized. In recent years, with the promotion of the CAEXPO, the cooperation between Laos and China has become increasingly close. I hope CAEXPO can continue to play its role as a bridge between China and ASEAN, resulting in more cooperation,” said Lao Deputy Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone. We are also more firmly convinced that, by relying on the CAEXPO, Laos, the Country of Honor for the second time, will once again bring more highlights, and China-Laos and even China-ASEAN cooperation will embark on more and better visions in 2020.
马来西亚作为“一带一路”建设的关键节点及中国重要的贸易伙伴,多年来一直与中国保持着密切的友好往来。2019年是中马建交45周年,45年来,中马两国各领域合作硕果累累,为两国人民带来了实实在在的利益。  2019年9月21日,前来参加第16届中国—东盟博览会的马来西亚国际贸易和工业部部长拿督达尔·雷金在接受东博会秘书处组织的要人高端专访时表示,中马建交45年来,双边关系非常紧密,取得了许多重大成果,
山水相连的中国与东盟,有着独特的魅力。想要读懂这个区域各个国家的风情,需走进他们那沉淀已久的文化与历史,倾听柬埔寨吴哥窟的梵音低语,感受文莱奥玛尔·阿里·赛福鼎清真寺的宁静致远,领略马来西亚黑风洞的庄严肃穆,甚至是坐在中国成都某处不起眼的茶馆中享受片刻清风翠竹带来的安逸。  醉人的景色与行走的乐趣似乎永远离不开文化底蕴的铺陈,沿途的风景之所以美丽大多源于它背后动人的故事,如何让文化与旅游紧密对话,
有人说,中国和新加坡,是一组有着千丝万缕关系的合作伙伴。新加坡华人占比超过75%,而两国在1990年10月3日才正式建交,在东盟国家中,是属于较晚与中国建交的国家。不过,这并不妨碍中新两国合作发展的后来居上:近年来,中国连续多年成为新加坡最大贸易伙伴,新加坡稳居中国最大外资来源国。  中新两国经济合作不断加深的同时,文化交流亦是不断向前推进。2019年9月19日,在中国南宁举行的第14届中国—东盟
作为东盟唯一的内陆国家,老挝没有发展渔业和海上贸易的便利条件,所以一直以农业作为主要的经济来源,经济发展在很长的时间里都比较缓慢。不过,随着中国“一带一路”倡议的提出,老挝怀揣着从“陆锁国”迈向“陆联国”的梦想,发生了翻天覆地的变化。  近日,老挝副总理宋赛·西潘敦在第16届中国—东盟博览会期间接受要人高端专访时表示,老挝作为一个内陆国家非常愿意跟周边国家进行交流与合作,尤其是借助“一带一路”倡议
Ever since the 2020 Spring Festival, due to the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic (COVID-19) spreading over China, while many industries have slowed down the resumption of work and production, Qinz
2020年春节伊始至今,新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的触手伸向中国各地,多个行业因此放缓复工复产速度。广西钦州保税港区在此期间,既绷紧了防疫这根弦,又保证了港口的合理运作。防疫和发展两不误,是该港区近期的工作重点。  复工复产事关经济发展大局  广西钦州保税港區是中国距离东盟最近的保税港区,由码头作业区、保税物流区、保税加工区和管理服务区组成。经过11年的发展,该港区形成了航运物流、大宗商品贸易、酒类进口
The cities on the shoreline of Guangxi’s Beibu Gulf, including Beihai, Qinzhou and Fangchenggang (BQF), have played an extremely important role in Guangxi’s opening up as they are the frontier for Chi
环绕在雄壮深沉的低吼长吟中,置身于流光溢彩舞台上的孙塞贴农目光炯炯、动作凌厉,右手持刀、左手举着盾牌的他,一招一式间流露出高棉武士的英气。今年29岁的柬埔寨小伙孙塞贴农身兼两职,白天是一名三轮出租车司机,所得营收供以温饱,晚上他则是《吴哥王朝》的舞蹈演员,用掌声哺育表演梦。  孙塞贴农的圆梦得益于中柬公司文旅合作项目——《吴哥王朝》。大型史诗情景剧《吴哥王朝》以柬埔寨吴哥时期文化为背景展开,自首演
金秋9月,对于关注中国—东盟合作的人来说,是期盼已久的一年一度“东博盛会时间”。  时间的指针拨到9月21日上午,地理的指针指向中国的南方绿城南宁,第16届中国—东盟博览会、中国—东盟商务与投资峰会开幕大会盛大启幕。今年东博会以“共建‘一带一路’,共绘合作愿景”为主题,精雕细琢,共拓未来,构建共赢格局,铺展“中国—东盟2030年愿景”宏伟蓝图。  主题国与特邀合作伙伴 精彩交相辉映  伴着动听的音
有没有想过,你不仅仅只能在电影院获得Imax观影体验?有这么一天,你在手机或电视上,看到一只美丽的青花瓷瓶,你可以从左侧看它,也可以从右侧看它,只要你高兴,你还能给它掉个个儿。你可以和《黑客帝国》的Neo一起感受仰身躲子弹的刺激,就在你家里,就在你选择的任何地方。  这样的观影体验,也许就在离我们不远的将来。2019年9月20日,在中国南宁,一群来自中国及东盟各国的媒体行业领军人物,分享了国内外的