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近年来,不少企业在增产增收中都遇到了原材料短缺的困难,如何帮助企业解决好面临的实际困难,是财政部门企财工作的一项重要任务,它是直接关系到企业增产增收工作能否取得实效的问题。1986年天津市造纸行业原料缺口23000吨,预计全年将减少利润600万元。我们在工作中积极帮助企业寻找克服困难的途径,促进企业增产节约,取得了较好的效果。1986年造纸行业实现利税总额10137万元,比1985年增加1183万元,增长13.21%;上交利润3365万元,完成上级下达计划的104.89%。造纸行业实现增产增收中,我们做了以下工作: (一)帮助有自制纸浆能力的企业进行技术改造,增产纸浆。通过对造纸行业设备利用率的调查,我们发现造纸公司所属企业共有制浆蒸煮设备46台,制浆设计能力17万吨,可实际产量仅10.7万吨,设备 In recent years, many companies have encountered difficulties in the shortage of raw materials in increasing production and income. How to help enterprises solve their actual difficulties is an important task of the financial sector’s corporate finance work. It is directly related to the increase in production and income of enterprises. Whether to obtain practical results. In 1986, the raw material gap in the papermaking industry in Tianjin was 23,000 tons, and it is expected that the profits will be reduced by 6 million yuan in the whole year. In our work, we actively help companies find ways to overcome difficulties, promote the production of enterprises to increase production, and achieved good results. In 1986, the paper industry realized a total profit and tax of 101.37 million yuan, an increase of 11.83 million yuan over the year 1985, an increase of 13.21%, and a profit of 33.65 million yuan, completing 104.89% of the higher-level release plans. In the paper industry to increase production and income, we have done the following work: (1) Helping enterprises with self-made pulp capacity to carry out technological transformation and increase production of pulp. Through the investigation of the utilization rate of papermaking equipment, we found that there are 46 pulping and cooking equipments owned by the papermaking companies and the pulping design capacity is 170,000 tons, and the actual output is only 107,000 tons.
《内销机床包装技术条件》(JB 2524-79)规定,随机技术文件包括使用说明书、合格证明书、装箱单。根据机床维修部门的经验,我认为还应包括“维修配件图册”。 各机械行业为使
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从二十世纪八十年代当文学青年开始,不知读过多少小说,更不知喜欢过多少人的小说。读过了,喜欢过了,又都忘了。但读过老汪(汪曾祺)的《露水》之后,却怎么也忘不掉,不仅忘不掉,后来,凡能见到老汪的小说,必定找来读读,如能搁在身边,得了空闲,还得读读,再反复玩味,揣摩揣摩。  后来老汪就去世了,他的地位就在我心里,上升成汪老了。也是很快就得知,人民文学出版社要给汪老出全集了。我一直关注着,汪老的全集很快就
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