兴起于国外的以问题为基础的学习(problem-based learning,PBL),倡导多学科整合式学习的核心理念,与当前医学教育强调课程整合的思路不谋而合。本文较为系统地介绍了广州医科大学南山学院开展的器官系统整合课程的PBL教学实施流程,并对其进行评价和反思,以期为PBL的本土化持续推进及与高校医学课程整合的教学实践提供借鉴。“,”Problem-based learning (PBL), which originated in foreign countries, advocates the core idea of multidisciplinary integrated learning, which coincides with the trend of curriculum integration in current medical education. First, this article systematically introduces the process of PBL in the organ system integrated course which is conducted in Nanshan College of Guangzhou Medical University. Second, this article discusses the teaching results and reflection so as to provide reference for the continuous localization reformation of PBL and further medical curriculum integration in college and university.