通过对云南省农科院热带亚热带经济作物研究所科技园内胡椒园杂草种类调查,结果表明,该胡椒园内杂草有14科42种,外来入侵杂草有8科17种。从胡椒园杂草的田间均度、田间密度、田间频率和相对多度分析结果得出:该胡椒园主要杂草为马齿苋(Portulaca oleracea L.)、酢浆草(Oxalis corniculata L.)、白茅[Imperata cylindrica var.jnajor(Nees)C.E.Hubb]、胜红蓟(Ageratum conyzoides L)和反枝苋(Amaranthus retroflexus L.),其相对多度分别为35.51%、32.42%、31.62%、30.47%和27.18%。本研究对明确云南省农科院热经所科技园内胡椒园杂草种类、危害程度具有重要意义,同时为整个云南怒江干热河谷区胡椒园杂草危害情况调查以及外来入侵杂草的后续监测提供基础数据。
Through the investigation of the weed species in the Pepper Park in the Science and Technology Parks of Tropical and Subtropical Cash Crops Research Institute of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the results showed that there were 14 families and 42 species of weeds in the pepper garden and 17 families and 8 families of invasive alien weeds. The results showed that the main weeds of pepper garden were Portulaca oleracea L., Oxalis corniculata L., the weeds of Pepper garden, the field density, the field frequency and the relative abundance. , Imperata cylindrica var. Jnajor (Nees) CEHubb, Ageratum conyzoides L and Amaranthus retroflexus L. The relative abundances were 35.51%, 32.42%, 31.62%, 30.47 % And 27.18%. This research is of great significance to clarify the weed species and the degree of harm of Peppercorn Park in the Science and Technology Parks of the Thermal Power Institutes of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, as well as the investigation of the weed hazards in the Peppercorn Park in the dry-hot valley of Nujiang in Yunnan and the follow-up of the invasive weeds Monitoring provides basic data.