藤黄的炮制及其现代研究概况孔令东,叶定江,吴皓(南京中医学院210029)藤黄系传统进口南药,《海药本草》始载“酸涩有毒”、“主治虫牙至齿,点之便落” ̄[1]。历代以藤黄为主要成分的膏、丸、散计有多种。现代中医临床应用藤黄也较广泛,如用藤黄或与他药合...
An Overview of Garcinia Curcumi and Its Modern Research Kong Lingdong, Ye Dingjiang, Wu Jing (Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 210029) Rattan yellow traditionally imported southern medicine, and Haiyu Materia Medica only contained “sour and poisonous” and “indicated dental teeth to teeth, and the point was convenient. Falling ̄[1]. There have been many kinds of pastes, pills, and powders that have been based on garcinia for a long time. The clinical application of modern Chinese medicine garcinia is also more extensive, such as with garcinia or with his pharmacological ...