数字是个枯燥而奇妙东西,几千年来,人们用1到0这10个数字,记录、表达和创造了人类辉煌的历史。而近几十年来,人们只用0和1这2个数字,就开创了进入新领域的新时代。 至于汽车和美国人,这更是个看来非常陈旧的话题,不过这里不是技术性地分析美国的汽车保有量,不是单纯地引述美国人均车辆数,也不是
Numbers are a boring and wonderful thing. For thousands of years, people used the 10 numbers from 1 to 0 to record, express and create a glorious history of mankind. In recent decades, people only used the two numbers 0 and 1 to create a new era of new fields. As far as cars and Americans are concerned, this is a very old-looking topic, but this is not a technical analysis of the United States’ car ownership. It is not simply quoting Americans’ number of vehicles, nor is it