Yulia Brodskaya(1983—)是俄罗斯著名的青年剪纸艺术家。2004年起她便开始尝试突破艺术的单一领域,运用多种材料、多种手段进行创作,比如将纺织、折纸、拼贴等传统手法与当今的创意设计巧妙融合。直到2006年,她终于找准了自己的方向:选用纸艺来表达她的审美理念。“纸对于我而言有种特别的魅力。我尝试了许多种不同的方式和技巧,最后发现真正适合我的是:把纸当作画笔来画画,而非在它上面作画。”Yulia使用普通的彩色材料纸、白胶浆、剪刀、牙签、饮管、小钳等小工具,通过精心的切割、
Yulia Brodskaya (1983-) is a famous Russian young paper-cut artist. Since 2004, she has been trying to break through the single field of art and using a variety of materials and means to create her works. For example, traditional techniques such as textile, origami and collage are ingeniously integrated with today’s creative design. Until 2006, she finally found its own direction: the choice of paper arts to express her aesthetic philosophy. "The paper has a special charm for me, I tried many different ways and techniques, and finally found out that what really worked for me was painting the paper as a brush instead of painting on it. Yulia uses ordinary color material paper, white glue, scissors, toothpicks, drinking tubes, small pliers and other gadgets, through careful cutting,