武汉市蔡甸区西湖流域水土保持科技示范园于2011年被命名为全国第三批水土保持科技示范园区,总面积为185.8 hm~2,共有综合治理、科研实验、科普教育、生态修复、生态能源示范、旅游服务等六大功能区,另外配套科普教育中心、水土保持监测站实验楼等综合管理设施,可进行水土流失监测试验分析,多层面地普及水土保持知识,展示水土保持综合护坡技术、裸露山体和弃渣植被护坡复绿技术、污水
Wuhan Caidian District West Lake Basin Soil and Water Conservation Science and Technology Demonstration Garden in 2011 was named the third batch of soil and water conservation technology demonstration park with a total area of 185.8 hm ~ 2, a total of comprehensive management, scientific research experiments, popular science education, ecological restoration, eco-energy Demonstration and tourism services, and other comprehensive management facilities such as popular science education centers and laboratory buildings of soil and water conservation monitoring stations, which can conduct soil and water loss monitoring and test analysis, popularize soil and water conservation knowledge at various levels, display comprehensive technology of soil and water conservation, Bare greens and revegetation vegetation revetment green technology, sewage