《新中医》一九七六年第二期发表廖玉春关于“赤小豆治疗热毒痈肿、血肿及扭伤”一文,笔者阅后,每遇跌打血肿,用赤小豆粉冷水调敷,无有不愈者。此方疗效迅速,价廉法简,实有再谈推广之必要。原作举病例有三个,我现在再补充二例: 一、××,男,22岁,被本厂司机孙×行车不慎撞伤左腿,当即随车来诊,见左股骨上端1/3处至胫腓骨下端1/3处明显肿大,皮肤表面青紫红斑密布,压之波动,刺痛胀麻,X线报告未发现骨质受损。即用赤小豆250克研细末冷水调成糊状,似用泥糊墙一般,
In the second issue of the “New Chinese Medicine” in 1976, Liao Yuchun published a article on “Red Chixiaobao’s Treatment of Hypertoxic Bleeding, Hematoma, and Sprain.” After reading this article, the author read every time he suffered from a hematoma he suffered. He was treated with Chixiaodou pink cold water, and there was no cure. By. This side has a rapid curative effect and is cheap and simple. It is necessary to talk about the need for promotion. There are three original cases, and I now add two more cases: I. XX, male, 22 years old, was accidentally bumped by the factory driver Sun X and injured his left leg. He immediately consulted with the car and saw the upper 1/3 of the left femur. At the 1/3 of the lower part of the sacrum, there was a significant enlargement. The surface of the skin was covered with bruises, the pressure was fluctuating, and the tingling was numb. The X-ray report showed no bone damage. That is, using 250 grams of red bean powder to make a paste of fine cold water, which is like a mud wall.