欧洲植保协会(ECPA)日前指出,欧盟农药再登记评审结果导致用于有机农业的农药有效成分减少将近一半。今年三月份,欧盟卫生官员Androulla Vassiliou赞扬说,欧盟农药再登记评审删掉了三分之二农药有效成分使食品“更加绿色”了。然而ECPA指出,在欧盟《有机产品管理条例》下批准使用的27种农药有效成分中的13种未能通过安全评审。其他14种有效成分通过了评审并获得了再登记用于有机农业,它们包括一些常用杀菌剂:氢氧化铜,氧化铜,
The European Plant Protection Association (ECPA) recently pointed out that the EU pesticide re-registration review results in the reduction of active ingredients of pesticides used in organic agriculture by nearly half. In March this year, Androulla Vassiliou, EU health official, praised the EU’s review of pesticide re-registration to delete “two-thirds” of the active ingredients of pesticides and make food “greener.” However, the ECPA states that 13 of the 27 pesticide active ingredients approved for use under the EU’s Organic Products Regulations failed to pass the safety review. The other 14 active ingredients were reviewed and re-registered for use in organic agriculture. These include some commonly used bactericides: copper hydroxide, copper oxide,