假如我们可以向每个IT公司要一份圣诞礼物……纽约的洛克菲勒中心拥有这个城市最大、装饰最漂亮的圣诞树。每年,纽约都会派专人像选美一样到周围各地物色新年圣诞树。圣诞树上,有闪亮整个节日的灯,圣诞树下,有温暖整个节日的礼物。随着圣诞节的临近,纽约的街道和商店橱窗都开始张灯结彩,人们利用一年中价格最划算的时机,陆续为家人朋友挑选圣诞礼物。与这座被称为“大苹果”(The Big
Suppose we can get a Christmas gift for every IT company ... New York’s Rockefeller Center has the largest, most beautifully decorated Christmas tree in the city. Every year, New York City will send people to look around Christmas and New Year Christmas trees like beauty pageants. Christmas tree, there are lights flashing the entire festival, under the Christmas tree, there is a warm holiday gift. As Christmas approaches, the streets and shop windows in New York are beginning to light up, picking up the Christmas gifts for family and friends one after another at the cheapest time of the year. And this is called “Big Apple ” (The Big