时穷节乃现 一一垂丹青——民族气节是伟大抗战精神的精髓

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抗战时期,面对日本侵略者的残暴杀戮,母亲送儿打东洋,妻子送郎上战场,多少英雄儿女前赴后继、以身殉国,表现出视死如归、宁死不屈的民族气节,为中华民族铸就了不朽的精神丰碑。民族气节是一个民族固有的人格特征,是为了维护国家和民族尊严而永不屈服的高贵节操和高尚追求。抗战时期,面对日本法西斯疯狂侵略的嚣张气焰和残暴行径,无数中华儿女奋起抗争、大义凛然,表现出视死如归、宁死不屈的高尚气节。 During the war of resistance against Japan, in the face of the brutal killing of the Japanese invaders, mothers sent their children to the east and their wives delivered their hands to the battlefield. Many heroes and children went on to their deaths and died in martyrdom, demonstrating immortality and immortality in their national integrity and casting immortality for the Chinese nation monument. Ethnical integrity is an inherent personality trait of a nation and is an elegant and noble pursuit and noble pursuit that will never give in to maintaining the dignity of the country and the nation. During the war of resistance against Japan, in the face of the arrogance and brutality of the fascist aggression in Japan, innumerable Chinese sons and daughters rose up in a rage and demonstrated their noble integrity of sacrificing life and death.
地黄(Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch.)为玄参科地黄属多年生草本植物。以块根入药,用药历史悠久,临床疗效确切,是构建我国现代大中药产业链重点研究利用的大宗药材之一。但在
中国共产党领导下的合作社事业已有80多年的历史了。在长期斗争实践中形成了中华合作 社人的优良传统,是用金钱无法换回的精神财富,代代相传!