This paper presents a discrete fruit fly optimization algorithm based on dynamic bi-subgroups and solves the problem of waiting queue without aiming at minimizing the maximum completion time and machine idle time. Different from the traditional Drosophila algorithm, this algorithm uses process-based coding and initializes with improved NEH method to improve the quality of the initial solution. According to the evolutionary level of the algorithm, the whole group is dynamically divided into advanced Subgroups and subgroups of subgroups. The method of simple but effective interpolation is used to refine the search in the neighborhoods of advanced individuals. The greedy iterative evolutionary mechanism is used to optimize the individuals and thus balance the global development ability and the local search ability. In order to improve the efficiency of the algorithm, The fast algorithm is used to calculate the target value of the function and to determine the update of the non-dominated solution. Simulation experiments show the efficiency and efficiency of the proposed fruit fly algorithm.