We developed a soil morphological index to quantitatively measure the degree ofpaleosol development. For its development, this index combined paleopedogenic features with tensoil macro- and micro-morphological properties from morphological descriptions of Potou and JiuZhoutai loess sections in the Loess Plateau of China. These ten properties are: rubification (colorhue and chroma), total texture (texture type, stickiness and plasticity), melanization (color value),microstructure, fine material (<0.01 mm), primary carbonate, biotite, fe(hydr)oxides, secondarycarbonate (micromorphology) and illuvial clay. Future study may reject some of these propertiesand add others. The index works well with the loess-paleosol sequences. The soil morphologicalindex successfully identifies paleosols and weak-paleosols.
We developed a soil morphological index to quantitatively measure the degree ofpaleosol development. For its development, this index combined paleopedogenic features with tensoil macro- and micro-morphological properties from morphological descriptions of Potou and JiuZhoutai loess sections in the Loess Plateau of China. These ten Properties are: rubification (colorhue and chroma), total texture (texture type, stickiness and plasticity), melanization (color value), microstructure, fine material (<0.01 mm), primary carbonate, biotite, Future studies may reject some of these properties and add others. The index works well with the loess-paleosol sequences. The soil morphological index unsuccessfully identifies paleosols and weak-paleosols.