让网“误”子弟 转网“推”趣学——小学数学课外网络作业尝试与探索

来源 :浙江教育技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:waxs8520
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信息化给小学数学教育带来教学的高效性,同时也带来一些问题。特别是近两年,越来越多的学生因为沉迷于网络世界而严重影响到学习。怎样破解这一困局,成为摆在我们这些一线教育者面前的难题。笔者将从利用小学数学课外网络作业入手,从转变师生观念、改变师生交流方式、改变作业形式这三方面,结合教学实践来阐述怎样利用网络作业引导学生进行网络上的趣学趣教。 Informatization has brought the teaching efficiency to elementary mathematics education, meanwhile it also brings some problems. Especially in the past two years, more and more students have seriously affected their learning because they are addicted to the online world. How to crack this dilemma has become a challenge for front-line educators like us. The author will start with the use of extracurricular extracurricular math homework, from the change of teachers and students to change the way of communication between teachers and students to change the operation of these three areas, combined with teaching practice to explain how to use network operations to guide students to learn from the Internet fun.