通过海上捕获灰鲳亲体进行人工授精,对东海灰鲳的胚胎发育和仔鱼形态进行了连续观察,详细地描述了东海灰鲳胚胎和仔鱼发育各期的形态特征。结果表明:东海灰鲳受精卵为圆球形,透明,油球1个,位于卵中央,卵径范围在1.150~1.315 mm之间,平均卵径1.260 mm,油球径范围在0.368~0.395 mm,平均油球径0.374 mm。在水温在28~29℃,盐度28时,孵化时间约为24 h;初孵仔鱼,肌节约33对,全长2.785 mm。孵出后2 d就开口,3 d卵黄囊完全消失,5 d油球完全消失。2 d胸鳍张开,10 d尾脊上翘。
By means of artificial insemination by catching the gray body of the body at sea, we observed the embryo development and morphology of the larvae in the gray sand of the East China Sea. The morphological characteristics of the embryos and larvae of the East China Sea were described in detail. The results showed that the fertilized eggs were spherical, transparent and had one oil globule in the East China Sea. The eggs were located in the center of the egg with the egg diameter ranging from 1.150 to 1.315 mm, the average egg diameter 1.260 mm, the oil sphere diameter ranging from 0.368 to 0.395 mm, The average oil ball diameter 0.374 mm. The incubation time was about 24 h when the water temperature was 28 ~ 29 ℃ and the salinity was 28. The newly hatched larvae had 33 pairs of muscle sarcopenia and the total length was 2.785 mm. 2 d after hatch on the opening, 3 d yolk sac completely disappeared, 5 d oil ball completely disappeared. 2 d pectoral fins open, 10 d tail upturned.