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  1. —Excuse me, do you mind if I use your phone?
  —___________It is on the table over there.
  A. I’m sorry. B. I beg your pardon? C. Yes, you can. D. Help yourself.
  2. —Hello, City Star. ___________
  —Hi. This is Kelly Watson. Today’s newspaper wasn’t delivered to my house.
  A. How can I help you? B. Who are you?
  C. What’s the matter with you? D. How are you?
  3. —Well, I’m really tired and hungry.
  —___________Anyway, we can do it the first thing tomorrow.
  A. You must be kidding! B. Let’s call it a day then.
  C. Think nothing of it. D. I’m sorry to hear that.
  4. —What’s the chemistry homework Mr Brown gave us today?
  —___________I’ll look it up in my notebook.
  A. Just a minute. B. Sorry, I don’t know.
  C. What do you mean? D. Of course.
  5. —I’m very disappointed in my next-door neighbour.
  —___________I think he is an easy-going person.
  A. That’s too bad! B. How come? C. It can’t be true. D. Forget it!
  6. —Are you going to Jane’s birthday party, George?
  —___________I wouldn’t miss it for anything.
  A. Of course. B. I can’t agree more. C. What about you? D. Sorry, I won’t.
  7. —What’s the matter?
  —___________. It’s just that when I lift my right arm up, I get a sharp pain here in my chest.
  A. I’m sorry B. Nothing really C. Bad luck D. Not at all
  8. —Maybe she got angry. You’d better keep the house in order.
  —___________? I still don’t like her, neither do I care.
  A. What for B. So what C. What if D. How come
  9. —How do you find the food in this restaurant?
  —___________. We could have found a better one.
  A. Just so-so B. Don’t mention it C. Forget it D. Go ahead
  10. —Whenever they have a dance, an outing, or a social gathering, they invite my friends, but they just leave me in the cold.
  —___________But have you thought about why?
  A. Sorry to hear that. B. How come? C. Really? D. Never give up.
  11. —Daddy, how do you like it if I buy an iPad for my mother’s birthday?
  —___________Your mother has been dreaming of having one.
  A. It couldn’t be better. B. What for?
  C. What a surprise! D. Let me see.
  12. —Thanks for coming to pick me up. I don’t know what I would have done without you.
  —___________. It’s the least that I can do for you.
  A. It’s my duty B. Far from it C. Don’t mention it D. With pleasure   13. —Could you help me get this paper typed within half an hour, Miss Jane?
  —___________. I can finish it.
  A. My pleasure B. It takes time C. Think nothing of it D. No sweat
  14. —You look so depressed. ___________
  —I’ve got my wallet lost with all the money as well as my cards.
  A. How are you? B. What’s up? C. Come on! D. Cheer up.
  15. —You have made a lot of mistakes in the exam.
  —___________I checked it several times.
  A. So what? B. I’m afraid not. C. What’s up? D. You must be joking!
  16. —I’m taking my listening test tomorrow.
  A. Cheer up B. Good luck C. What a pity D. Congratulations
  17. — I think you should phone John and say sorry to him.
  —___________. It was his fault.
  A. No way B. Not likely C. No chance D. Not at all
  18. —How about having a cup of coffee? We have half an hour before the movie.
  —___________. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.
  A. It just depends B. It’s up to you C. That sounds lovely D. Glad to hear that
  19. —Jane, I am sorry I used your dictionary when you were away just now.
  A. That’s all right B. It’s a pleasure C. You are welcome D. Never again
  20. —I’m worrying about the test tomorrow. I’m afraid I can’t get a good grade this time.
  —___________! I’m sure you’ll make it.
  A. Go ahead B. Good luck C. No problem D. Cheer up
周润豪  教养出自内心的善良  社会崇尚教养,舆论褒扬善举,这在一定程度上推动了社会道德水平的提升,但也造成了“伪教养”大行其道——有意地去做“有教养”的事,事后忙请媒体宣传。这是种快速成名的方法,但不可称为“有教养”。  为何民工慢慢等地铁的朴素行为能打动人心?因为他们的善良是自然流露的,不是为了博取关注。善良是教养的原动力,越过善良,单求表现,那是矫揉造作。  苏宇玥  教养,显于慎独  去年
在科幻小说和电影中,外星生物可谓光怪陆离、超乎想象。千奇百怪的外星环境,必然孕育出千姿百态的奇异生物。但,并非所有的奇异生物都必须诞生于怪异的外星环境之中。且看——  这是一家历史悠久的老店,古色古香的实木招牌高悬着。食客们坐在上岁数的餐桌边,嗅着空气中飘荡的醇厚弥香。  后厨中,一口大锅在文火的舔舐下焖煮着祖传了几百年的老汤。  无人知晓这老锅已加过多少水,填过多少料,又扒拉出多少渣。自它被架上
提问: 函数图象题常常会要求我们判断导函数与原函数的图象关系,那究竟该如何判断呢?图象中是否存在一些特殊的点可以作为判断依据呢?  回答: 在某一区间上,导数值的正负能直接反映出原函数在该区间上是单调递增还是单调递减;而原函数单调递增或单调递减的速度则是由导函数绝对值的大小来决定的.当原函数由慢到快递增或递减时,导函数的绝对值由小变大;当原函数由快到慢递增或递减时,导函数的绝对值由大变小.  下面
1. “I think a lot of public school systems fail to see___________importance of play,” says Auston Parks,___________assistant professor of early childhood education at the University of Georgia.  A. 不填
刚结束的寒假你是怎么过的?走亲访友,出门旅游,还是恶补功课?在杭州,有不少中学生选择参加社会实践。  2016年1月10日,杭州市举办了第九届中学生社会实践岗位招聘会。招聘会分三个专场,分别是场馆类、企业及公共管理类和服务行业类,具体有杭州图书馆、影视公司和社区等实践单位。在面试中,实践单位会询问同学对未来职业的选择意向、应聘本岗位的原因、对自身优势劣势的认识等问题,以便更有针对性地安排岗位。  
★★ 难度中等  ★★★难度较高  ★★ 1. 函数f(x)=sinxsinx   的最小正周期为 .  ★★ 2. 已知偶函数y=f(x)的图象关于直线x=1对称,且x∈[0,1]时,f(x)=x-1,则f  = .  ★★ 3. 已知函数f(x)=sinx,x≤0,  log2 x,x>0,若f(f(x0))=2,则x0= .  ★★ 4. 已知数列{an}满足a1=a2=1,-=1,则a7-
很多同学习惯用向量法求解立体几何问题,但向量法并不是万能的.当难以根据条件建立空间直角坐标系,或用向量法解题计算烦琐时,就可以考虑几何法.  所谓几何法,就是从条件出发,以定义、公理、定理为依据,通过辅助构图和推理计算解决问题.使用几何法需要一定的空间想象力和逻辑思维能力,能否添加合适的辅助线往往是解题的关键.  添加平行直线,判定线面平行  例1 如图1所示,在四棱锥P-ABCD中,底面ABCD
赫尔曼·黑塞对“教养”的定义并非我们熟知的“思想道德的外现”,而是“自我意识的增强和扩展”,有点费解,值得深究。  我们幼小时,是没有“自我意识”而只有“我”的,即婴儿还没有意识到除“我”之外的其他东西,还处于所谓“自我中心”意识阶段。然后在外物、其他人的不断“刺激”下,我们慢慢认识到:原来“我”之外,还有这个、那个,还有这人、那人……然后,世界作为“我”的参照物,越来越丰富、清晰,我们对“自我”
导数是高考重点考查的内容,也是常见的解题工具. 导数有很多妙用,除了能判断函数的单调性外,通过求导还能求出参数范围、证明恒等式与不等式、求出数列和等.  一、“导”出参数范围  二、“导”出恒等式  三、“导”出不等式  用导数法证明不等式,一般可分为两步:第一步,根据不等式构造合适的函数f(x)并确定其定义域.第二步,研究函数f(x)的单调性,如果函数f(x)在定义域上为单调函数,则可确定其取值
人物: 浙江旅游职业学院酒店管理专业 张相杰  采写: 何天平  理论实践两不误  酒店管理专业学的是什么?有人说不就是学怎么当服务生嘛!其实,作为我们学校的重点专业,它的目标是要培养既能应付各种烦琐的实际操作工作、又能得心应手地处理酒店各项管理事务的管理者。  在三年的学习时间里,学校为我们量身打造了“2 1”模式,即两年专业学习与一年实践相结合的培养方式。和其他专业一样,理论课程必不可少。在两