秦观是宋词中婉约派代表作家之一。他的词,言情和述愁是基调,善于通过凄迷的景色、婉转的语调,表达感伤的情绪是特征。对于这份文化遗产,我们要采取批判继承的态度,认真加以对待。近读秦观《淮海居士长短句》,对其写“愁”之妙,略有所得。愁,历来是文学家们所描写的内容之一。离愁别恨,国愁家恨,新愁旧恨,在文学作品中比比皆是,而写愁的手法又是各种各样的。《淮海居土长短句》写到“愁”的,亦有多处,而叙写的手法,乃是各具匠心,多有变化的。试举例如下: 《千秋岁》:“春去也!飞红万点愁如海。”伤春惜春之愁,古代文
Qin Guan is one of the representative writers of the graceful school in the Song Dynasty. His words, romances, and sorrows are the keynote. They are good at expressing their sentimental emotions through the poignant scenery, mild tones and sentiments. For this cultural heritage, we must adopt a critical and inherited attitude and treat it seriously. Nearly read Qin Guan “Huaihai layman short sentence”, write “worry ” of the wonderful, a little income. Worry, has always been one of the content described by the writers. Worry do not hate, worry about hate, worry about the new hate, literary works abound, but the way to worry about worry is a variety of. “Huaihai native sentence” wrote “worry ”, there are many, and the narrative approach, but with their own ingenuity, many changes. Give an example as follows: “Chiaki years”: “spring to go! Fly red million sorrow as the sea.”