一项总投资5000万元、同步建起硫酸钾、氯磺酸、ASC等产品的三个全国最大生产基地的技改扩建工程.6月下旬在苏州精细化工集团公司全面进入施工阶段.6月19日,1500tASC扩产项目首先启动,6月22日,2万t硫酸钾项目破土动工.将在年内完工.该项目上马后.将使原来年产能力2万t增加1倍,同时增加8000t 副产氯化氢.成为我国目前最大的无氯化
A technological innovation and expansion project with a total investment of 50 million yuan and simultaneous establishment of three major production bases including potassium sulfate, chlorosulfuric acid, and ASC. In late June, Suzhou Fine Chemicals Corporation entered the construction phase. June. On the 19th, the 1500tASC expansion project was first started. On June 22nd, the 20,000t potassium sulfate project broke ground. It will be completed within the year. After the project is launched, it will increase the original annual production capacity by 20,000 tons and increase 8,000 tons. Byproduct hydrogen chloride. Becomes the largest non-chlorinated in our country.