初次的椰林大道 椰林,像两支雄赳赳气昂昂的队伍,以标准的立正姿势,凛然的英雄气概,耸立于大道的两旁。那挺拔的气魄、划一的排列,让整条大道充满着不可侵犯的盖世之威风。 第一次踏上大道,我便有“阅兵”的感觉。 真的,从没走过像大道这样令我胆怯的路,而且还是在天空正蓝、风正大的仲夏下午。 我想,我是椰林大道上有史以来最胆怯的小贵宾了。我真的只走到一半就走不下去了,这也难怪,一双见惯了崎岖曲折、羊肠小径的眼睛,突然
The first Coconut Grove Coconut Grove, like two magnificent and arrogant team, with a standard standing position, awe-inspiring heroism, stands on both sides of the road. That upright spirit, uniform arrangement, so that the entire road is full of invincible prestige. The first time I set foot on the avenue, I had the feeling of “parade.” Really, I never walked like a road that makes me timid, but also in the sky is blue, the wind is big Midsummer afternoon. I think, I am the most timid little VIP ever on Coconut Grove. I really only walk in half go on, it is no wonder that a pair of eyes used to seeing the rugged, winding trails, suddenly