Objective To understand the resistance status of dengue vector-mediated Aedes albopictus to three common pyrethroid insecticides in Guangzhou and to provide a basis for rational use of insecticides. Methods Aedes albopictus larvae were collected in 3 districts of Guangzhou City. After 1 to 2 generations of breeding in laboratory, the mortality rate of mosquitoes was observed by WHO filter paper contact method. The effects on the pyrethroid insecticides Resistance. Results Adult mosquitoes of Aedes albopictus in Liwan District had resistance to deltamethrin, alpha-cypermethrin and permethrin. Adult mosquitoes in Tianhe and Conghua were sensitive to permethrin, while deltamethrin and alpha-cypermethrin Preliminary resistance. Conclusion For the three plots in this trial, permethrin showed good efficacy among the three insecticides of permethrin, beta-cypermethrin, and deltamethrin This is more sensitive and can be used as the preferred insecticide at present; adult mosquitoes in Conghua area are generally more sensitive to these three insecticides; and adult mosquitoes in Tianhe District are more resistant to beta-cypermethrin and deltamethrin Conghua District, Liwan District adult mosquitoes for the three kinds of insecticides strongest.