网络广告的优势不言而喻。目前网上广告主要有 Banmer(旗帜)、Button(按钮)、文字链接、调查等形式。而企业网络广告如何才能获得最大的收益,取决于多种因素,如广告网站的选择,设计是否吸引人,广告投放频次等,都是要考虑的因素。首先,要了解广告主的产品是面向哪一类顾客,以便选择最适宜的网站。举例来说,如果一老年用品要发表广告,而他的广告做在适合青年人的网站上。其效果可想而知。这就是对媒体的选择,要看广告主的广告目的、策略,选择对口的媒体。如果选择恰当,可以收到事半功倍的成效。实际上,企业还应更侧重于在主题内容与其广告信息相符的网站或者栏
The advantages of online advertising is self-evident. Currently there are Banmer (banner), Button (button), text links, surveys and other forms. However, how to maximize the benefits of online advertising depends on a variety of factors, such as the choice of advertising website, the attractiveness of the design, and the frequency of advertising. First, find out which type of customer the advertiser’s product is targeting in order to choose the most appropriate website. For example, if an article of aging is to be advertised and his advertisement is made on a website suitable for young people. Its effect can be imagined. This is the choice of the media, depending on advertisers advertising purposes, strategies, choose the right media. If you choose the right, you can receive more effective results. In fact, companies should also focus more on the content of their advertising information consistent with the site or column